A Study of an Agile Methodology with Scrum Approach to the Filipino Company-Sponsored I.T. Capstone Program

  • Giuseppe C. Ng IST Department, University of Asia and the Pacific


Purpose – The research aims to show the relevance of company client sponsored student projects in the University of Asia and the Pacific Information Technology (UA&P IT) Capstone Program through the use ofan Agile Methodology with Scrum Approach.

Method – The modified program is employed on two batches with content analysis and survey results as benchmarks. Results – Surveys at the end of the sprints for both clients and students revealed that the length of the sprint was a critical factor in the development of the information system, and that students learned from addressing additional challenges such as academic load, team pressure and communication issues.

Conclusion – Over-all results showed that clients were impressed and keen to adopt the student works.

Recommendations – Maintainability aspects of the research can be analyzed for future studies. Increasing the sample size with additional batches could lead to discovery of additional factors not previously seen.

Research Implications – The research could help improve other Capstone Programs while improving communication with company clients.

How to Cite
NG, Giuseppe C.. A Study of an Agile Methodology with Scrum Approach to the Filipino Company-Sponsored I.T. Capstone Program. International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 68-88, dec. 2018. ISSN 2546-115X. Available at: <//stepacademic.net/ijcsr/article/view/82>. Date accessed: 21 dec. 2024.