Use of Intelligent Agents to Facilitate Group Learner Participation in Collaborative mLearning

  • Stephen T. Njenga School of Computing and Information Technology, Murang’a University of Technology
  • Robert O. Oboko School of Computing and Informatics, University of Nairobi
  • Elijah I. Omwenga School of Computing and Informatics, University of Nairobi


Purpose Learning Management Systems (LMS) provide a platform for collaborative learning with features such as online group discussions. Grouping members together to participate in a group discussion does not guarantee their participation in the online discussion. However, the use of intelligent agents to facilitate group participation can motivate group members to participate in the online group discussions leading to improved levels of group knowledge construction. This paper discusses an experimental design for evaluating facilitated learner participation in online group discussions using intelligent agents.

Method In our experimental design we use two treatment groups (turn taking and informative feedback group facilitations) and one control group. We compared the levels of group knowledge construction amongst the three groups.

Results The results of the study show improved levels of group knowledge construction where the facilitations for participation were provided compared to where they were not provided.

Conclusion The study concluded that facilitating collaborative mobile learning using intelligent agents improves the levels of group knowledge construction.

Recommendation Thus, we recommend the use of intelligent agents in facilitating group participation and consequently improving the group knowledge construction in collaborative mobile learning environments.

Practical Implication The study implies that intelligent agents are effective in collecting and analysing group processes leading to improved interactions which improve group knowledge construction.

How to Cite
NJENGA, Stephen T.; OBOKO, Robert O.; OMWENGA, Elijah I.. Use of Intelligent Agents to Facilitate Group Learner Participation in Collaborative mLearning. International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 36-54, june 2018. ISSN 2546-115X. Available at: <//>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024.