Carabao Mango Export Quality Checker Using MATLAB Image Processing

  • Leonardo A. Samaniego Jr. School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines
  • Luigi Carlo M. De Jesus School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines
  • Jannuel D. Apostol School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines
  • Dexter C. Betonio School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines
  • Jonathan David B. Medalla School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines
  • Sergio R. Peruda Jr. School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines
  • Stanley Glenn E. Brucal School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines
  • Einstein D. Yong School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines


Purpose – Mango plays an important role in the Philippine exporting business. In the peak of mango exporting in the Philippines there are some exported fresh carabao mango to other countries that are ripped, damaged, not sweet and did not pass the safety regulations of other countries. The main reasons are pest, exporting damages, and wrong classification. Most of the exporting companies in the Philippines used the manual method or the traditional method of classifying mango by barely using their hands for touching and observation. With this being said, the objective of this research is to create a device that will automatically detect the quality and classify the carabao mango whether it is for export or not.

Methodology – The proponents used the image processing methodology. MATLAB, Arduino, and image processing techniques such as image enhancing, deblurring, edge detection, and color segmentation were adapted in the process to ensure the attainment of the objectives. The device was tested using several trials to meet designed objective metrics.

Results - As a result, the device was able to achieve the following data. The speed of classifying the quality of the mango was measured with an overall value of 8.132 seconds and for accuracy the device attained an accuracy of 91.2 %.

Conclusion – With the determined results, the proponents proved that the device successfully met the defined objective metrics. An “excellent” rating results were achieved for the speed of classifying the quality of the mango, while its accuracy was rated “good” as defined on the proponent’s metrics.

Recommendation - The proponents recommend for the improvement of the project is that future researchers should adopt better coding techniques to allow simultaneous quality checking and classification for different types of mangos.

Author Biographies

Leonardo A. Samaniego Jr., School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines

Leonardo A. Samaniego Jr. is a registered Electronics Engineer. He also holds a Master of Engineering degree with a major in Electronics Engineering from MAPUA University. He is currently the Executive Director of Asia Pacific College's School of Engineering and concurrent Program Director of the Electronics Engineering program.

Luigi Carlo M. De Jesus, School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines

Luigi Carlo M. De Jesus is a licensed Electronics Engineer, and Electronics Technician (2nd Placer). He is also a holder of Master of Engineering Major in Computer Engineering and the current Engineering and Science Laboratory Office (ESLO) Head of Asia Pacific College - School of Engineering.

Jannuel D. Apostol, School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines

Jannuel D. Apostol is a student taking up Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering in Asia Pacific College. Jannuel is the main programmer of the project. He also helped conceptualize, design the project, and helped in the documentation.

Dexter C. Betonio, School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines

Dexter C. Betonio is a BS in Electronics Engineering student in Asia Pacific College. Dexter was the one who created the projects hardware and the project digital concept. Dexter is the one who tested and managed the projects wiring and technical issues.

Jonathan David B. Medalla, School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines

Jonathan David B. Medalla is taking up Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering in Asia Pacific College. Jonathan mainly conceptualizes and visualizes the project. He helped in the programming and documentation of the project.

Sergio R. Peruda Jr., School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines

Sergio R. Peruda Jr. is a Professional Computer Engineer and a holder of master’s in engineering major in Computer Engineering (MEngg CpE). He is currently the Program Director of Computer Engineering at Asia Pacific College.

Stanley Glenn E. Brucal, School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines

Stanley Glenn E. Brucal is a Professional Electronics Engineer (PECE), and an ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer (ACPE). He is a holder of Master of Engineering major in Electronics and Communications Engineering from De La Salle University. Currently he is the Registrar of Asia Pacific College.

Einstein D. Yong, School of Engineering, Asia Pacific College, Philippines

Einstein D. Yong is a Professional Computer Engineer and holder of a master’s in information management (MIM). He is currently an Associate Professor at Asia Pacific College's School of Engineering.

How to Cite
SAMANIEGO JR., Leonardo A. et al. Carabao Mango Export Quality Checker Using MATLAB Image Processing. International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, [S.l.], v. 7, p. 2080-2094, may 2023. ISSN 2546-115X. Available at: <//>. Date accessed: 13 mar. 2025.
Special Issue: IRCCETE 2023

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